Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hmmm...which method to use...

I really don’t know if I should feel flattered or fearful!
It seems that every time I make my MySpace viewable by the public I start to get messages from random guys. Guys who themselves have made their pages private!They leave messages saying that they are “intrigued” or “interested” or they leave some original and seemingly witty massage trying to catch my attention. Most of the messages starting with “....I’m sure you hear this from a lot of guys before but…”. Guess what Einstein- Your right! I do!

But should I at least be flattered that they are sticking their necks out and making an effort at all? Especially since most guys are very hesitant to make the first move at all! I guess being able to hide behind a shroud of anonymity helps to influence their decision. If they get rejected they can simply slink away and hide back in their internet profiles and continue only allowing certain people to view the portion of their lives they choose to share online.

Although some guys are not so reserved, including one in particular that sent me a message today that actually included his telephone number!

This has all left me questioning if maybe I should give the whole online dating scene another go.
Did I mention that one of my cousins met someone online and they are now getting married in the spring?!

What was I doing wrong? Maybe I didn’t stick it out long enough? In any event, I don’t think I’m into trying it again anyway! I’ll take my guys with references thanks!

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